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Showing posts from November, 2014

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 4

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 4 Halloween (Part 1) Chad and Patrick, they are having problem with trust issue. Chad suspect Patrick has an affair, they are arguing.  Chad is working on pumpkin for Halloween, he saw strange man in strange suit. He through that he's Patrick, but he's not. He snap his neck, while Patrick see all. Vivian and Harmon wants to sell this house ASAP, the broker suggest them to hire fluffier to make their house look good on market. Specialty with Halloween event Addy wants to dress as pretty girl in Halloween, but her mother wants her as snoopy again. Larry come to visit Harmon to threaten him about secret, Harmon ignore him. He's with his patient Tate, he's asking what he did in the night of break-in. Vivian hire the security company to installed the security system in house. Then she met Chad and Patrick at front of the house, Vivian thought that they are fluffier she invite them to work on Halloween decoration. Addy ask

The Originals Season 2 Episode 2 Alive and Kicking

The Originals Season 2 Episode 2 Alive and Kicking From memory In the past, Kol promise to Klaus that he will make Klaus payback for what he did. Now he resurrect and alive by his mother spell. Klaus and Heley go to hunt the witch, who make them separate from their child. But Elijah doesn't agree with them. Elijah want Marcel to ask Davina to find the white stake, before their enemy get it. but she refused, Elijah figure out that Davina already has it. His mother and Kol plan to build army of wolf with moonlight ring, to have army for fight with Klaus. With Elijah suggest, Klaus take Heley to find the rest of the wolf in Bayou, then he go to find witch that make moonlight ring. After talk to her, he knows that she is his mother. While Davina is in club, she's attacked by werewolf. she has to call Mikeal to help but she almost get killed by him, but she could manage to control him. From that event, Klaus and Elijah aware that both parents are here, but which one

Scorpion Season 1 Episode 2 Single Point of Failure

Scorpion Season 1 Episode 2 Single Point of Failure In Walter's childhood, his sister Megan used to help Walter from misuse from his teacher. He promise will pay her back one day, but not long she get sick and make him feel failure because he unable to help her. Scorpion's team get job from state, they want them to help about mayor's daughter, she get sick. After some investigation, the found that someone make her sick with virus from computer. They also found it related to a testing medicine of a pharmaceutical company, they need to break in to get information. They found that a college professor do it to revenge his daughter dead, because in past the mayor is one who responsible for that project, after they got the professor, they found the way to inverse the virus effect.

Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 3 Today I Am a Witch

Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 3  T oday I Am a Witch The night after they know they are witch, Freya has dream that she woke up to kitchen, she met Killian. She is kissing him but Dash see them. Joanna also dream that she is attacked by shape shifter, Ingrid dream that she is going to die to pay for resurrect her aunt. Joanna see the evil mark at tree in front of her house, She don't want her daughter to use  magic.  but their Aunt secretly teach them, she told them that Freya's power is come from heart, Ingrid's power come from her brain and Joanna is great. While Ingrid is on the date with detective, Killian go to help Freya at bar. Wendy warn Joanna the shape shifter may use the voodoo doll to drain her power. But she won't listen. At bar Killian get the job same as Freya, while Ingrid has a date with detective on the same bar. Detective warn her that her mother could end up in jail for a long time. Joanna try to get all list of people who try to

Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 2 Marilyn Fenwick, R.I.P.

Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 2 Marilyn Fenwick, R.I.P. In Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 2 Marilyn Fenwick, R.I.P., Joanna is questioned by police about the murder, she need a million to bail out. Meantime Ingrid resurrect her aunt, but her aunt tell her that's not necessary. She can revive herself. But Ingrid has to pay the price for resurrect her by life of someone. They go to help Freya at the bar, she finally can escape from Doug. To get the money to bail her mother, they have to go to dig at Marilyn Fenwick grave. They found a lot the money inside the coffin. After bail, Freya so piss off because Joanna lie to her for a long time. While Doug follow her to the house, and almost make Freya drown. Fortunately Joanna come back on time and put him back in another painting. They bury him on the deep ground, so he can't back. Now Joanna has to find the way the keep her child alive longer than before.

White Collar Season 6 episode 1 Borrowed Time

White Collar Season 6 episode 1  Borrowed Time Peter and FBI go to check Neal's apartment, they suspect that Neal may on the run. Mozzie is coming with Neal copy. Mozzie convince them that Neal is abducted. Neal is abduct by a Rebecca's colleague. He want the diamond from FBI. He wants to join the Pink Panther by give him the diamond. Neal tell him instead steal for them, he should steal form them. Neal convince him to rob the Woodford, for prove that he better than them.  They plan to rob Kessman building the owner is Woodford the pinkpanther leader,it's the most safe building. To do that Mozzie explain to Peter that Neal need high equipment from guy name Fat Charlie. Once Neal take him to Fat Charlie, Peter disguise as him before they come. He send Peter the message, that he wants to cache the Pink Panther. Neal trick the guy to used him instead to rob the office so he can get in Pink Panther instead of him. On rob day, Neal land down on the top of tower. Whil

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3 Welcome to Paradise

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3 Welcome to Paradise After his girlfriend is killed, Stephan compel his boss to bury her. He's going back to kill Enzo. At Mystic Fall, Caroline is start to date Enzo. Liv has a crush on Taylor. Girl who Elena attacked still live with Jeremy. Stephan go to see Elena at work in hospital. She invite him on the party, she tell him that Enzo will there too. While Demon and Bonny is at the shopping mall, they notice someone is there. They met a guy, he's trying to kill Demon. but Bonnie who get her magic back come on time and safe Demon. He tell them Bonnie's magic is a key to get out. At the party Stephan found Enzo, while he's attack Enzo. Stephan is target by hunter, Enzo see and help him. Stephan still keep try to kill him until Caroline come to interrupt. Jeremy found that people that get compel, after they left Mystic and come back. They will remember it means girl who live with Jeremy also remember Elena. At the bar,

The Simpsons Season 26 Episode 3 Super Franchise Me

The Simpsons Season 26 Episode 3 Super Franchise Me This episode's coach gag is play song about children play, at the end Homer stand up while he's eating on this lap. Nate found out that Homer used his electricity and his fridge. So he take back, and left big Homer's meat pile. He ask her to turn them sandwich. Her kids love them and take them to school, and it become famous between children. Marj  meet a woman who invite her to make franchise. Marj finally agree, and she has her shop. She has a lot of problem start from Krusty, find  employee. On the opening day Homer come to cheer her, he help by tell everyone about her shop. She still not have much customer. She caught one of her employee steal money, one make double job. She fire them. Now she has no employee, Homer and kids come to help her in shop. Now the shop starting to famous, they have a lot of customers. One day when they get their first profit, they found there is new franchise. They open opposit

The Originals Season 2 Episode 3 Every Mother's Son

The Originals Season 2 Episode 3 Every Mother's Son Niklaus and Elijah get an invitation letter from Esther, she want to have dinner with them at his home. When Niklaus was a child, his father never like him, he often hide in the wood. His mother always comfort him. As he worry about dinner's plan, Elijah go to see Marcel for a witch, instead Marcel want him to teach new born vampire, he send her to take him to see witch. Niklaus is looking for his necklace that he gave to Marcel. His witch is captured and tortured by Finn, he wants to found what Elijah want. At dinner, Hayley go to get the witch, Finn and Esther has a dinner with Niklaus and Elijah, they talk about their past. Once the witch is casting spell, Esther jump to witch body and escape them. Now Ester is alone with Hayley, she offer her a new life so she can have a family. Elijah and Niklaus to come to help, Esther could escape again. At the end, Esther tell Finn her plan to destroy everything they have

Resurrection Season 1 Episode 2 Unearth

Resurrection Season 1 Episode 2  Unearth In this Resurrection Season 1 Episode 2 Unearth, After Jacob back to his family, his mother is very happy. But his father still hesitate. The other people of town starting feel not comfortable when around him. Celeb is interviewed by detective about his dying, while his son said believe that he's not his father. In contrary, his daughter is very happy.  The detective want to prove the identity of Jacob by compare with his corpse DNA, he going to ask permission to open his tomb. While the test's result of Celeb seem fit with his story.

The Flash Season 1 Episode 4 Going Rogue

The Flash Season 1 Episode 4 Going Rogue In The Flash Season 1 Episode 3 Rogue, Barry is practicing use his speed as normal to play chess, ping-pong or do lab's test. The armored truck is robbed by Snart, Barry speed there to stop them but 1 guard is killed. and Snart escape. After Snart me the rogue blur, he try to fight back, he get the frozen gun, from someone stolen from S.T.A.R. lab.  Now he's going to steal the diamond. he shot Barry, he frozen a bit, but Barry still ok. Snart kill one of guard with his gun, Barry feel upset that he couldn't help him. Snart is going to museum again with his gun, after Snart get the diamond, he lure Barry to the station. Snart is freeze the train, Barry have no choice but to help the other passenger. when he's out Snart is going to shoot Barry, but cisco and his team come to help on time and chase away Snart.

Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2 Reichenbach

Supernatural  Season 10 Episode 2 Reichenbach In  Supernatural  Season 10 Episode 2 Reichenbach, In previous season Cole is the hunter who kidnap Sam, His father is killed by Dean years ago. He try to revenge Dean, he let Sam escape so he can following him to go to see Dean. Sam ask Cass to check on Dean, but during the way Cass is sleep over while drive, he almost get killed by truck. Crowley want Dean to kill Lester's wife for him as exchange of his soul, but Dean him instead. Crowley is so upset, then finally breakup with Dean. Crowley sell out Dean to Sam, he try to convince to help him. But Dean refuse and doesn't  want to go back with Sam. Cole is show up and fighting with Dean, but he's beaten by Dean. While Dean is not careful, Sam lock him up and take the kain's knife to Crowley.

Scorpion Season 1 Episode 3 Cyclone

Scorpion Season 1 Episode 3 Cyclone In Scorpion Season 1 Episode 3 Cyclone, Walter and team is evaluate on the field to  measure their helpful to military operation. But they are failed because lack of unity. Cabe and Walter ask Paige to fix them, while there are bombing at a building. And it make internet for related area down. Walter believe that it's a terrorism action. They are checking footage to identify the bomber, they can trace back him to an apartment  near the beach. but during the chase down, the bomber get hit by bus to coma. After check his apartment, they found that there is more that 1 bomb, they found out that they want to destroy some file in building, and they can trace that file back. After open file, they learn that it's agent Keller want to destroy the file, while Happy found another bomb active in the building, because Cabe tell the government their result. Keller try to get file from Cabe, while Walter and Happy defuse the bomb. They will s

Once Upon a Time Season 1 Episode 2

Once Upon a Time Season 1 Episode 2 The Thing You Love Most Emma is stay overnight in the town, In the morning the mayor bring her the lovely apple (sound familiar ?).. In past the dark queen tried to use the dark curse, she is heading to forbidden forest to get it back from maleficent., To release it she need to collect dark force but seem doesn't work, seem she is missing something. Present, Henry tried to convince her his story about curse, the mayor plan and make Emma in custody to discredit her to Henry. Fortunately it doesn't work. Emma fire back by cutting the mayor's apple tree. Dark queen learn that to make curse work, dark queen must sacrifice the most she love...there is ?

NCIS New Orleans Season 1 Episode 2

NCIS New Orleans Season 1 Episode 2 Carrier One night, a marine is sudden dead on the street, after forensic unit come they found he die because infected of bacteria. King's team need to check that is he a carrier?  Apparently there are other marine sick too, King need to find where is the source and try to save the other marine life. King contact Dinozzo (From NCIS), to help them on investigate on carrier where dead marine board. They found that the doctor who is on board is try to spread infected. So he can sell the vaccine to Marine. When King found out, the doctor is gone, do they will cache him and get cure on time ?

NCIS Los Angeles Season 6 Episode 5 Black budget

NCIS Los Angeles Season 6 Episode 5 Black budget At DoD West office, one man is survive from the attacked, million dollars of budget are missing. Sam's Team now is in charge to investigation, is it hit or rob the budget? The survivor, he flee to Mexico., seem the attacker following the survivor to finish their job. Sam and Hanna found survivor's girlfriend, she lead in to him. but they are trapped and surrounded by attacker, look like they are seal, what they will do ?

Resurrection Season 1 Episode 3

Resurrection Season 1 Episode 3 2 rivers In this Resurrection Season 1 Episode 3 2 rivers,Henry is not comfortable with Jacob. Bellamy and Maggie found the body of Jacob and it seem normal. Bellamy forbid Celeb to go near Jacob. Bellamy and Maggie go to see Celeb's shack, nears 2 rivers come across. Celeb is digging and find something. Ray tell them that he's not his father but he's alien. Sheriff know from Jacob that his wife is cheat on him. Luceil and Jacob are banned from church, they make the secret vote without Tom. Bellamy go to see Dale to ask question about Celeb, but he is dead at his house. Tom see Rachael is not dead.

Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 7 Kill The Moon

Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 7 Kill The Moon In this episode, Doctor and Clara has a big problem again. This time they trap on the moon during the last mission to safe earth of astronaut. Three astronauts come to the moon to fire the nuclear bomb to destroy the moon. Before it can hit the earth. Apparently the moon is the monster egg, they have to decide they will destroy the moon before monster get out, or let it break out and destroy the earth.

Constantine Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot

Constantine Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot John Constantine 's in the asylum, the other people thinks he is crazy. In asylum he met a girl who possess by demon, after he exorcist the her in art room. He head out from asylum. John Constantine met the angel Manny, he warn him that something is coming. When he is the town, he met Liv who is in danger because she is psychic. The demon name Furcifer want her dead. Constantine will be able to protected her ?

Arrow Season 3 Episode 2 Sara

Arrow Season 3 Episode 2 Sara Sara is back in to town, and help Arrow to capture the criminal. after she has appoint with her sister Laurel, she is get killed by someone she know with black arrow.  Laurel is found her body, she bring Sara to Arrow and ask he to find the killer. she didn't tell her father yet. Felicity now work with new Queen CEO, and Roy tell Olivier that Thea has left town since the attack. They agree to go to bring Thea back

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 3

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 3  Murder House Past about the neighborhood, her husband also cheat on her try to get the maid, when she found out she shot him dead and shot maid in the eye. At now, they have problem with their investment, they have no money to buy new house, she need to sell the house on market first. but It become difficult because her house know as murder house This house was build by crazy doctor, who finally killed all family by his hand. One day she found a woman ring the door, seem to be interested in house, she talked to her a while before she just disappear... The next day, she moved her daughter out of house to the apartment.

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 2

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 2  Home Invasion They are attacked by a couple of psycho, they want to kill them and following the incidents that happen in the house long times ago. The neighborhood, she is upset because her mother complain about her daughter, she make the cake to poison Violet. One of psycho take it and die. Another one is killed by a boy who is her Father's patient

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 1

American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 1 The family is move to old house. Husband is psychological doctor / Professor, he was cheated on her with his student. Their daughter has a depress emotions. They met with the strange neighborhood, who come and out their house freely. Strange house keeper, who try seduce husband and psycho boy who is a patient of husband try to get their daughter Also they found that they are not alone in house.

Supernatural Season 10 Episode 1

Supernatural Season 10 Episode 1 In  Supernatural  Season 10 Episode 1, begin with last season, Dead is killed and become a Demon. Sam is looking for him and Crowley. seem they are together somewhere. Cass is sick because his spirit, the angel ask him to help them to return all angel to heaven. but there are few angels that refuse and kill the messenger. Meantime Sam is investigating the supernatural murder case in a shop, he see Dean in footage. Dean kill The group of Abaddon's follower, because their try to revenge him. Sam can track demon's phone back to Crowley. They are in small town. Dean found out the Crawley is the one who send him the demon, he 's leaving him.  While Sam is on the way to see Dean, he's kidnapped by hunter. who want to get rid him.

Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Witches of East End Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot Witches of East End, starting with normal family Joanna, Freya and Ingrid. Freya is going to have the marriage. While they are celebrate their enemy come from past to revenge them. They don't know that they are witches, they live and die for centuries. Their aunt come in town to warn them, but it's too late. Freya is attacked by her enemy while Joanna is accused for murder from shift shaveter frame. Before Joanna go, she tell Ingrid to help her sister.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 1

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 1 In The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 1 I'll Remember, in last season Demon and Bonnie are dead, everybody try to make peace with it. Elena can't live without Demon she addict with some drug and that make her more hungry and violent. Now in Mystic falls, any supernatural can't get in, no magic. Mystic falls become the safer place. Stephan try to move on and give up the way to help Demon.

Gotham Season 1 Episode 3 The Balloonman

Gotham Season 1 Episode 3 The Balloonman The balloonman is kill people, hang them on balloon. Gordon has to find out who is he, and what's the next target. The big 4 balloons are stolen it mean 4 people will die. Penguin is also back in Gotham, even Gordon warn him not to. James Gordon and Cat going to investigate Wayne's murder. Cat told him that he see everything, seem their dead is not randomly.

Haven Season 1 Episode 2 - Butterfly

Haven Season 1 Episode 2 - Butterfly Butterfly and Big iron ball falling down along the road, and got into the shop fortunately no body dead. Last night, Agent Parker is stay in town to look for a girl in picture. She and Nash go to check reverend who as the history. But reverend also attacked and almost die. One night Parker while in her room, she almost died because of butterfly Apparently because the boy who didn't sleep, cause this butterfly

Haven Season 1 Episode 1

Haven Season 1 Episode 1  Pilot season, Agent Parker follow the criminal to the Town "Haven", she experience supernatural event, like the storm suddenly happen in the town. She found that because of the Girl who can control the weather. She is con by her boyfriend for her inheritance, after she found out, she is upset and try to kill him. Parker convince her and clam her down. Agent parker also discover about someone who look like her, live in Haven long times ago. who is she ?

The Strain Episode 1 Season 12 Last Rites

The Strain Episode 1 Season 12 Last Rites In The Strain Episode 1 Season 12 Last Rites, Eldritch is dying wait for his Master  to give him the eternity request After they return from The Master's hideout, Abraham is very upset because he miss the chance he looking for. Velders is back and she has the way to make announcement on every television and radio. This may is good chance to fight back the master, and alert the other. At the end of episode, Eichhorst attack their base and that make Nora's mother died. However they can escape.

The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

The Flash Season 1 Episode 2 Barry with a day job as forensic officer and secret job as "The Flash", will he be able to do both job. Seem every time Barry use his speed, he get his bad spike. At S.T.A.R. lab they found because of he use too much energy. He, Iris and detective west know each other from the past. West is a friend of his father, he take care Barry once he's in Jail. Barry met the vigilante who has ability to duplicate himself. Speed vs number, finally who will win.

The Originals Season 2 Episode 1

The Originals Season 2 Episode 1 Rebekah is raising the Klaus's daughter, she is telling her about stories about her family. Klaus must find the 12 rings to release his moon curse. To gain his power back, there is upcoming war between vampire, witch and werewolf. Marcel and Camille is see each other, why Marcel is forbid from the town. Hayley after she's wake up from dead to be vampire, she is upset, Elijah try to help her calm but she doesn't want. Davina try to figure out how to let Niklaus's father Mikael kill Klaus without make her friend died. Hayley has her revenge after get the werewolf boss who responsibility for lost her child.

Supernatural Season 10 Special episode

Supernatural Season 10 Special episode This episode is a flashback talked about all long way of supernatural from 1st until 10th season, There are interviews of the producers, actors and staffs. From all the fight from ghost, demon, reaper, angel.. What's your favorite episode ?

The Flash Season 1 Episode 1

The Flash Season 1 Episode 1 Story about Barry Allen "The Flash", he is in the FBI evidence team. His mother is killed by someone but frame to his father.  He's at his lab when S.T.A.R. Labs blew. He is in coma for weeks. Once awake he is beginning to discover his ability he can move very fast at high speed and how to control it with help of staff from S.T.A.R. lab.  There is a criminal who can make storm, Barry barely manage to capture him. Barry go to see "The Arrow" for support, so he become "The Flash" At the end, who is frame his father and secret of S.T.A.R. Labs's owner.

Scorpion Season 1 Episode 1

Scorpion Season 1 Episode 1 The story begin with a genius man name Walter, he's hack in to NASA since he's a boy. So He is following by FBI since then. Now he and his friend is starting company. but it not begin so well. One day Homeland Security come to ask him for help, there is a problem in communication system of LAX airport tower. Many planes can't land, and they are risk. finally he could fixed the problem. Homeland security offer him job as response team in LA.